

When Rick Donaldson left his corporate marketing job in the 90’s, he had no idea what the next few decades would hold. All he knew was that, too often, advertisers prioritized profits over their clients’ best interests. In 1998, Rick officially opened the doors to his own marketing agency with a distinct focus on creating [...]

Here We Grow Again

For M3 Agency, 2022 is a year of growth. The award-winning advertising agency is excited to announce a merger with a fellow agency, and also pleased to welcome two exceptionally talented members to the M3 team.  M3 has entered into an agreement with Rebecca Best, president and owner of Emineo Marketing, to merge current advertising [...]

Why securing your domain is critical as a small business

As a business owner, you need to know where your domain is and if it is protected. Find out why securing your domain is critical as a small business. Do you know where the domain for your website is? In today’s digital world, the internet and the cyber landscape are evolving each day. Things are […]

Rick Donaldson speaks to Chamber members on the Augusta Chamber of Commerce “Succeed and Share” series.

Education both internally and externally has been the focus at M3 Agency over this past year. Part of our success comes from both educating and empowering clients to help take their clients to the next level.

Business UNusual

As our marketing client we wanted to take a minute and share our insight into messaging for your business during these unpredictable times. We recognize that right now there is nothing usual about the way any of us are doing business and none of us can afford to stand still, do nothing, and wait for [...]

When Should a Business Consider Hiring a Marketing Partner or Agency?

The time to seek the advice of an advertising agency or consultant is before you start the business. Sound, unbiased advice can save a business owner thousands of dollars and hours of frustration. The odds of having success with your advertising and marketing improves drastically when launched with a strategic plan based on fundamental goals [...]

Is your Glass Half Full or Empty?

The most common issue we find when interviewing new clients that are looking to increase the results of their marketing and advertising efforts are companies that have multiple ad streams, but no real traction or dominance in any of them.  For example, if we look at eight glasses of water representing eight different mediums (TV, [...]

Do I need Social Media Presence for my Business?

Many business owners think they have to have a social media presence.  My answer to this is only if you are going to take the time or have the resources to manage it.  Social media that is done well, can serve as a publication of the culture within your business.  It should reflect the personality [...]

Clients are always looking for the next miracle in marketing

Today's business owners face a daunting task.  Where do I invest my advertising and marketing dollars?  Today's marketplace is more complex and challenging than ever and everyone is looking for the next Google.  More than likely your miracle solution is the proper balance of digital and traditional.  To find the perfect marketing mix, will require [...]

Southfire gives M3 the firepower to expand in three industry verticals

With the addition of Southfire web platforms to M3 Agency, the agency will take a deep dive and focus on three major categories for the website development of business. County, City, Government and Municipalities, Automotive and Real Estate. With a low cost, value options on websites with all the power a client could wish for, [...]
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M3 Agency |

229 Furys Ferry Road Augusta, GA 30907