Worst Marketing Advice Ever

January 23rd, 2014 by

Being a marketing agency, we hear a variety of opinions on how to advertise and market a business. Many businesses including other advertising agencies have misconceptions regarding marketing practices. We have seen and heard it ALL, including some interesting methods of saving money and stretching ad dollars. With the Search Engine Marketing and Social Media […]

Cultivating Creativity

December 2nd, 2013 by

“The more you rub your creative lamp, the more alive you feel,” said Alex Osborn. We, the M3 staff, firmly believe in creativity and desire to cultivate talent, vision, imagination and originality within our workplace. We have our own ideas as to how this is done but we are always looking into ways to become […]

Holiday gift ideas for your clients

December 11th, 2012 by

With the holidays fast approaching, you may be racking your brain about holiday gift ideas for your clients. For us, it’s a tradition to wow clients with an awesome Christmas card and sometimes with a gift. Holiday gifts are a small end-of-year token of appreciation to thank customers for their continued business, and in a […]

Is it Time to be Mom Enough?

May 11th, 2012 by

In an effort to perhaps prove that news magazines aren’t  completely irrelevant, Time Magazine has staged a coup of epic proportions by showing a very staged photo of a mother breastfeeding her possibly-too-old-for-breastfeeding child… just in time for Mother’s Day. It’s an exercise in shock marketing, and boy is it working. It’s in your face […]

Facebook Values Itself

May 4th, 2012 by

News reports suggest that Facebook is valuing itself at nearly $96 billion for its upcoming IPO. That would be record-setting for a web-based company, even overshadowing Google’s offering in 2004. Of course, it helps that it is one of the most popular Internet companies of all time. Facebook pretty much dominates the web when it […]

Car Ads on Pinterest?

April 20th, 2012 by

It’s no secret that advertisers are scrambling to sell their wares on Pinterest, but you probably haven’t thought about car ads. Honda is apparently making a big push on Pinterest – trying to reach female car buyers with images of their CR-V. They’ve even “rewarded” a number of popular pinners with cash prizes in an […]

Consumers in their 20s Switch Media up to 27 Times an Hour!

April 9th, 2012 by

A new study indicates that today’s twentysomethings switch media outlets up to 27 times per hour. Per hour! That means they are going back and forth between their TVs, computers, iPads, smartphones, and traditional media on a constantly revolving basis. Talk about an attention deficit! The generation raised online has taken short-term attention spans to […]

TV Commercial and Video Production Primer

April 4th, 2012 by

Want to do a TV commercial or video for your business, but don’t know where to begin? It can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve never done it before. Here are a few basic things to think about when you are considering video production. Determine Your Budget The first thing you need to do […]

It’s All About Image

March 21st, 2012 by

When it comes to success on the Internet – it’s all about image. To be more specific, it’s about the images. Although text is a major factor, the web is mainly a visual medium, and memorable pictures and great design are what make an impact. According to Chas Edwards, the rise of Facebook, and more […]

Newsweek “MadMen” Ads

March 19th, 2012 by

Newsweek’s “MadMen” tie-in advertising experiment is now available to view online, thanks to AdAge. The issue features special “retro-styled” advertisements from the likes of Mercedes, GEICO, and Tide, among others. As we mentioned in a previous blog, we found some irony in the fact that an almost obsolete format (news magazine) is promoting itself by […]

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229 Furys Ferry Road Augusta, GA 30907