
Do I need Social Media Presence for my Business?

Many business owners think they have to have a social media presence.  My answer to this is only if you are going to take the time or have the resources to manage it.  Social media that is done well, can serve as a publication of the culture within your business.  It should reflect the personality [...]

Clients are always looking for the next miracle in marketing

Today's business owners face a daunting task.  Where do I invest my advertising and marketing dollars?  Today's marketplace is more complex and challenging than ever and everyone is looking for the next Google.  More than likely your miracle solution is the proper balance of digital and traditional.  To find the perfect marketing mix, will require [...]

Southfire gives M3 the firepower to expand in three industry verticals

With the addition of Southfire web platforms to M3 Agency, the agency will take a deep dive and focus on three major categories for the website development of business. County, City, Government and Municipalities, Automotive and Real Estate. With a low cost, value options on websites with all the power a client could wish for, [...]

Client retention is our top priority, but so is employee retention.

M3 is proud to feature many clients with 15 or more years of working together, but we also like to boast about our incredible employees, with a majority giving 10 or more years of service. We like to think clients and our associates appreciate our culture of accountability.  We also understand the importance of balancing [...]

M3 Agency becomes Augusta’s largest web development company with the acquisition of Southfire Inc.

M3 Agency grows through the acquisition of Southfire, Inc.  The new company will be called Southfire Media, a division of M3 Agency.  After celebrating 20 years in business, M3 adds more firepower to their website capabilities with a goal of offering a quality website with personal interaction and support to businesses of all sizes, industry, [...]

3 Reasons to Work with M3 Agency

1. UNBIASED AND PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. With more than 20 years of working in the southeast, M3 Agency has the experience and resources businesses need to not only become successful – but stay successful. Our goal is to help execute the vision of your brand so you may become an established leader in your industry. From […]

All Aboard for A Good Time and Great Food!

For Thomson residents Ken and Lisa Sweet, a good meal is a huge part of what can make a place feel more like home. While spending a good chunk of their time traveling for work, they found joy in eating at new restaurants across the country and meeting new people. After retiring and putting down [...]

Broad Street’s officially lit.

Step into Broad Street’s newest shop and chances are your day will get a little bit brighter. Augusta Candle Co. is Augusta’s first and only shop where you can curate and pour your very own candle. Now, you should know, this shop holds a special place in our heart – not only because it’s arguably [...]

5 Steps for Responding to a Negative Review

Negative reviews can leave you and your employees feeling defeated and heated, especially when you have gone above and beyond to satisfy a customer. However, responding positively to negative feedback is not only crucial to retaining your business, but also can widen your  customer base. Many businesses tend to immediately go into defense mode when […]

M3 Gives Back to Small Businesses

M3 Agency recently had the unique opportunity to work with the Augusta Metro Chamber of Commerce in helping some local businesses enter the State Bank & Trust’s Small Business Grant contest – the winner of which will receive a generous $20,000 grant. To qualify, each applicant was required to submit a short video where they [...]
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M3 Agency |

229 Furys Ferry Road Augusta, GA 30907