CEO Series


WHAT IS A FULL-SERVICE AGENCY? Most agencies refer to themselves as a full-service agency, but what does this really mean?  Does it mean they sub-contract all services or some services?  Does it mean they understand all media? Or does it mean, they have experience in a variety of marketing methods. At M3 Agency, a full-service agency […]


BEST PRACTICES FOR BEST RESULTS Companies spend years and lots of money looking for the perfect marketing mix and strategy. What if you can save this stress and financial burden? You possibly can, by looking for an agency or marketing company that has experience in your industry or an industry we similar goals. A basic […]

Know what you want in a new website

Know what you want in a new website If you are thinking about building your first website or rebuilding your current site, ask yourself why? Go into the process with clear goals and expectations on your new site.  Do you want more leads or do you want to portray a certain image?  Is there a website […]


DO YOU KNOW YOUR MARKETING COMPANY? In today’s world of marketing, it is common to spend thousands of dollars with a person or company and never meet them.  Looking at the person in the eyes and shaking hands with the representative of the company you are hiring to manage one of your largest investments is an […]

When Should a Business Consider Hiring a Marketing Partner or Agency?

The time to seek the advice of an advertising agency or consultant is before you start the business. Sound, unbiased advice can save a business owner thousands of dollars and hours of frustration. The odds of having success with your advertising and marketing improves drastically when launched with a strategic plan based on fundamental goals [...]

Is your Glass Half Full or Empty?

The most common issue we find when interviewing new clients that are looking to increase the results of their marketing and advertising efforts are companies that have multiple ad streams, but no real traction or dominance in any of them.  For example, if we look at eight glasses of water representing eight different mediums (TV, [...]

Do I need Social Media Presence for my Business?

Many business owners think they have to have a social media presence.  My answer to this is only if you are going to take the time or have the resources to manage it.  Social media that is done well, can serve as a publication of the culture within your business.  It should reflect the personality [...]

Clients are always looking for the next miracle in marketing

Today's business owners face a daunting task.  Where do I invest my advertising and marketing dollars?  Today's marketplace is more complex and challenging than ever and everyone is looking for the next Google.  More than likely your miracle solution is the proper balance of digital and traditional.  To find the perfect marketing mix, will require [...]

Southfire gives M3 the firepower to expand in three industry verticals

With the addition of Southfire web platforms to M3 Agency, the agency will take a deep dive and focus on three major categories for the website development of business. County, City, Government and Municipalities, Automotive and Real Estate. With a low cost, value options on websites with all the power a client could wish for, [...]

Client retention is our top priority, but so is employee retention.

M3 is proud to feature many clients with 15 or more years of working together, but we also like to boast about our incredible employees, with a majority giving 10 or more years of service. We like to think clients and our associates appreciate our culture of accountability.  We also understand the importance of balancing [...]
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229 Furys Ferry Road Augusta, GA 30907